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artificial satellite 人造衛星。

artificial selection

Remote education has been well - developed in recent years , and there are many modes of remote education , such as transfer cai courseware in the lan , remote education based on artificial satellite tv system , net education based on web or e - mail through the internet and so on . in these modes , net classroom has become the most effective method because of its real time capability , vitality , and interactive capability 近年來網絡教學有了很大的發展,出現了在局域網上傳遞cai課件,基于衛星電視系統的遠程教育,基于internet的web或e - mail的遠程網絡教學等多種模式,在這些模式中,網絡教室以其實時性、生動性和交互性,成為網絡教學中最有效的一種方式。

Observation of meteors throws light on our understanding of the motion of the celestial bodies in our solar system , physical properties of the earths upper atmosphere and the spatial distribution of meteoroids which helps choosing safe and proper trajectories for launch vehicles such as artificial satellites 觀測研究流星對研究太陽系天體的運動地球高空大氣物理性質了解流星體分布這項資料對選擇航天器如人造衛星的運行軌跡十分重要等都有重要的意義。

Nowadays , at any time and any place , numerous artificial satellites are bustling above our heads beyond the tranquil sky . unmanned spacecrafts bearing the most sophisticated equipment and cameras are sent to study other members of the solar system 現今各類人造衛星無時無刻都在我們頭上的天空穿梭配備先進儀器和攝影機的行星探測船也正向太陽系中的成員進行極細致的偵查。

Satellite remote sensing is an important domain of artificial satellite application . its correlation technique received great attention in world countries 衛星遙感是人造衛星的一個重要應用領域,其相關技術處于目前世界各國的科技前沿。

Since the emission of the first artificial satellite by soviet russia in 1957 , satellite communication technology has taken quite great development 自從1957年前蘇聯發射的第一顆人造地球衛星誕生以來,衛星通信技術取得了長足的發展。

First artificial satellite launched fr earth . sputnik i is orbited by the soviet union , arking the dawn of earth ' s space age 第一顆人造衛星,蘇聯制的史普尼克一號從地球上發射開始軌道運行,為地球的太空世紀開啟了曙光。

The constant in this equation is the same for any objects orbiting around the sun , including planets , comets and artificial satellites 公式中常數的數值,對所有行星以至一切環繞太陽運動的人造或天然物體皆適用。

Yes , its moon is an artificial satellite and that is the reason around which its orbital trajectory is to circulate and non elliptical 是的,它的月亮是一顆人造衛星而且原因是圍繞它的軌道運行而且非橢圓形的。

Apart from many artificial satellites , the earth has only one natural satellite , the moon . we will talk about the moon in the next chapter 地球只有一個自然衛星,即我們所熟悉的月球,我們將在下章詳細介紹它。

But if we consider the moon or artificial satellites around the earth , we have to use another constant 假若以地球取代太陽,例如研究月球或地球人造衛星時,我們會發覺上式的常數會有所變更。

An artificial satellite which is projected into a predetermined orbit around the earth to function as a relay station 一種發射到預定軌道的人造地球衛星,它的功能相當于一個通信中繼站。

The thesis summed up the new achievements made in electronic computers , artificial satellites and rockets 論文總結了電子計算機、人造衛星和火箭三方面的新成就。

The thesis summed up the new achievements made in computers , artificial satellites and rockets 該論文總結了計算機、人造衛星和火箭三方面的最新成就。

Many of the radio and electronic devices used are similar to those of artificial satellites 所用的無線電和電子儀器中有許多與人造衛星的相同。

Rockets and artificial satellites 火箭與人造衛星

The first artificial satellite was fired off on october 4 , 1957 第一顆人造衛星于1957年10月4日發射升空。

The artificial satellite was launched into orbit 那枚人造衛星射入了軌道。

Reaction power sends artificial satellites into orbit 反作用力把人造衛星送入軌道。